Daily Tips and Tricks for Painting Miniatures - Day 19: Tips for Using Dry Brushing Techniques in Your Painting
Posted by Allen on 30th Mar 2023
Dry brushing is a popular painting technique used in miniature painting. It involves using a dry brush with a small amount of paint to apply highlights to a miniature's raised surfaces. Dry brushing can add depth and interest to your models and is a great technique to master. In this article, we'll discuss some tips and tricks for using dry brushing techniques in your painting.
the Right Brush: Choosing the right brush is essential for dry brushing. Look
for a brush that has stiff bristles and a flat or angled shape. A smaller brush
will give you more control and allow you to apply the dry brush more precisely.
a Light Touch: Dry brushing requires a light touch. Load your brush with a small
amount of paint and then wipe most of it off on a paper towel or cloth. The
brush should feel almost dry to the touch. Apply the dry brush in a light back
and forth motion, focusing on the raised surfaces of the miniature.
3.Build Up Gradually: Dry brushing is a technique that requires patience and practice. Build up the dry brush gradually, applying thin layers and allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. This will help you achieve a more natural and realistic highlight.
Multiple Colors: Using multiple colors can add depth and interest to your dry
brushing. Start with a lighter color, such as white or a pale yellow, and then
layer on darker colors, such as brown or black, to create depth and shadow.
on Test Miniatures: Before you apply dry brushing to your final miniature,
practice on test miniatures or spare parts. This will help you refine your
technique and achieve the desired result.
Dry Brushing on Terrain: Dry brushing can also be used on terrain pieces, such
as rocks or buildings. Use a larger brush and a heavier dry brush to apply the
technique to the terrain. This will add texture and interest to your terrain
In conclusion, dry brushing is a popular painting technique that can add
depth and interest to your miniatures and terrain pieces. Choose the right
brush, use a light touch, build up gradually, use multiple colors, practice on
test miniatures, and use dry brushing on terrain. GCmini.com carries a wide
range of brushes and painting supplies that can help you achieve the perfect
dry brushing technique for your miniatures. With practice and patience, you can
master this technique and create stunning miniatures that will stand out on the