The famous bridge from the town of Arnhem, a key objective of Operation Market Garden in September 1944. Featured in the movie "A Bridge Too Far". This "Half Bridge" is perfect for placing at the edge of your gaming area. This model is a faithful scale reproduction of the bridge that crosses the lower Rhine at Arnhem in The Netherlands. The half center span is a scale 196' feet, the approach to the bridge is a scale 193' for a total of 389 scale feet (16.25" in 1/285th scale or 412mm).
Model is available in either Matboard or Acrylic.
Photos show the Matboard version.
Bridge is 100% compatible with our 1/285th scale Modular Road System (4 lane road sections).
Model is available in either Matboard or Acrylic.
Photos show the Matboard version.
Bridge is 100% compatible with our 1/285th scale Modular Road System (4 lane road sections).