This massive structure measures 6.15" x 4.8" and is 1.9" tall (156mm x 122mm x 48mm). This building is the main building on Hawlwadig Road in Mogadishu (It's "the Moge", nobody calls it Mogadeshu) Somalia where the Rangers and Special Forces went in to capture Aidid's men.
Model is precision cut from the highest quality mat board (as used in the picture framing industry), this is not flimsy paper, this is stiff mat board. Models go together in minutes using common white glue or “Tacky glue” and can be painted to any level of detail you desire or simply sprayed one color so you can get back to gaming.
This kit goes together very easily but there are lots of parts and some things need to be assembled in a specific order and that is covered in the tutorial video.